Remember To Breathe

Today the weather is lovely. The sky is electric blue and the sun is slowly burning my retinas. I can smell the fresh cut grass, it’s delicious even though it’s making me sneeze. The colourful flowers are making me smile. It’s bank holiday weekend. It’s day three of the four day weekend. I’m drinking beers in the garden whilst listening to Pixies with my boyfriend and my brother. Life is good. Sometimes you just have to stop and breathe. I find today’s song really helps me do that. Simply breathe in and out when they say. I hope you’re having an excellent weekend wherever you are.


Human – Of Monsters and Men

It’s Okay

I love writing. It gets me out of bed in the morning, it drags me out of my Netflix void, it makes me feel peaceful. But I don’t force it. I never want it to feel like a chore because it means too much. But as I’ve watched these post-less weeks and months float passed me I’ve felt guilty. Guilty to anyone who actually gets something out of my posts and wouldn’t have minded another one. And guilty to myself for not sticking to a schedule or having follow through on a project. But then I just thought, you know what?

It’s okay.

I’m letting myself off the hook this time. Cos life is too short. I don’t want to sit here and worry about all the things that have passed but never even happened or stress about the future and all the things I’m sure I’ll want to apologise for. Instead I’m just going to focus on right now. Because I find staying present incredibly difficult and I think we all do. But it’s something I’m working on.

I’m not going to promise to be ‘back’ and posting every week, cos we just know that’s not who I am. But I knew I wanted to write to you today and I think that’s a good start. I wanted to check in. I hope you’ve been good. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to, stranger or friend.

A lot has been going on in my life. Maybe I’ll tell you about it one day. But for today I guess I just wanted to say it’s okay. Whatever it is that is on your mind, whatever guilt you feel, whatever is giving you uncomfortable butterflies in your chest, anything, everything. It’s okay. It will be okay. You will be okay. So in the meantime just take care of yourselves.


Legally Blonde Remix – Legally Blonde Original Cast (Random song today, but I haven’t been able to turn this album off recently!)

give yourself a break

So it’s been a few weeks since we’ve had a proper Friday self-care post schedule and all I can say is sorry. Life gets in the way sometimes. And you know what? That’s totally okay. It’s nice to have hobbies and it’s nice to have discipline. But it’s also nice to stare out the window or rewatch friends for the second time this year.

Especially with hobbies, they’re not gonna be fun if you force yourself to do them. So if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. I haven’t had anything I’ve wanted to say on self-care recently. Not because I’m going off it or cos I don’t still think you should seek it every day. But because I write about it a lot, have you noticed?! And I wanted to have something new to say to you, not just reword ten other blog posts.

So here it is: give yourself a fucking break.


That big list of tasks you have to do? Yeah, they’ll still be there tomorrow. Don’t want to pick up your journal today? Don’t. Don’t want to do that workout? Don’t. Don’t want to eat healthy or shower? Don’t. Don’t want to smile? Don’t. Don’t want to stop smiling? Don’t. Don’t want to eat junk food? Don’t. Don’t want to miss your time on the yoga mat? Don’t. But work out what you need, right here, right now and go with it.

I think it’s good to have habits and I think it’s fun to have things you want to do every day. I agree that the best way to foster a new habit is through determination and consistency. I believe old habits can fall to the side if they’re not tended to. But they are all just part of you. They don’t define you necessarily. They’re just things you like to do. Or feel like you need to do. But either way, if you don’t want to do them every day, don’t.

You’ve got to make sure that your thoughts and actions are always serving you. As long as they are you’ll be okay. Today I’ve had a somewhat productive, somewhat lazy day. I’ve done some things I like to do and not others. Now I’m enjoying the sunshine as I make my way to work. My day has served me. Has yours served you?


Slow It Down – The Lumineers

Christmas Self-Care

So it may not be a Friday and this may be six weeks late buuuuuut I’m bringing you a self-care Christmas Special. Because what even is December if you don’t kill the Christmas theme over and over, right?

Now we all love Christmas. We go on about it all year, people have countdowns going from literally January. But I think sometimes we can work up to a moment so much that it’s inevitably underwhelming. Or we just try so hard to make a moment perfect that it pales in comparison to our imagination.

But through it all we’ve just got to remember to breathe. Be present. Realise what any holiday is really about. Yeah, you might think it’s really about presents. But you know it’s about being with people you love, doing good. So this week I’m giving you a few different self-care ideas that will get you through the holiday period hopefully stress free. Because times of joy should not be stressful.

Tip 1

Before you eat the insane amount of food I know you’re going to maybe do a few light stretches. Then if you’re not completely smashed when you’re going to bed, maybe do a couple more. Stretch out those tummy muscles. Nothing complicated just a quick five minute yoga sesh. Yoga With Adrienne on YouTube will have you covered.

Tip 2

If you’re unfortunate enough to have a family full of tories or just general nobheads feel free to debate when you think it’s necessary but it you know they’re not listening, instead of ruining your day just remove yourself from the situation. Or sometimes we even argue with people who we consider soul mates. It happens, we’re right under each other’s noses. Just go for a walk after your massive Christmas meal. Clear your head and work up the smiles to go back in.

Tip 3

This one is for all my veggies out there. We all know the pounding of uninformed, moronic questions you might get from your aunties new boyfriend. But, like, if you had to choose between a cow and a dog. But if you were on a desert island. In a zombie apocalypse. Yeah, but the chicken is gonna be killed anyway. The answer is still no. Take a deep breath and count to nineteen. Why so high? Because I know the question is so idiotic that five seconds just won’t cut it. Release the angry energy and move on with your day. Hopefully he’ll get hit by a bus next week anyway.

Tip 4

If you’re an unnecessarily competitive person, don’t play games. You’re only making your family hate you. They may be politely laughing at your tantrums but they really want you to grow up and just realise it’s a fucking game of monopoly, man. Sit down.

Tip 5

Remember that this is your break as much as anyone else’s. You need to do what you want to do. If you don’t want to wear a Christmas hat cos it itches your head and you feel stupid, then don’t. If you don’t want to play charades because you can’t bear to act out Finding Nemo one more time, then don’t. If you want to go and be alone and read a book for an hour or two, do it. If you want to eat another chocolate even though your rude grandma is making comments, ignore her and eat it. You’ve worked hard all year so don’t forget that this is your time to relax. Do what you need to do. It’s all about self-care, mate. So keep that centre.

And that’s it, kids! Go and enjoy your holiday season 🙂

Step Into Christmas – Elton John