
Wow, another year. Well into the twenties now aren’t we? Does it make me old to still think of the twenties as 1920? Probably. But I suppose I am getting up there. I’m starting this year three months into a new personal decade. The thirties. People tell you to dread them, others say you’ll thrive. So far, predictably, they feel much like my twenties. Suppose I’m just on the cusp. Granted, if I had to choose I’d easily land on the ‘thriving’ side. What’s the point in dreading aging? Oh god so unlucky of us to have the privilege to live another day on this planet. Woe is me. I’m gonna get grey hair and wrinkles? Bring it on. I’ll celebrate them, for anyone in my life who didn’t make it that far. With such an insidiously youth obsessed society, it’s easy to forget that aging is simply a wonderful inevitability of life. To grow or change or become wiser, move slower, take less shit, wake up with a sore back. It’s all just part of the fun. A new season of life is just a new chance to continue learning about yourself. Who do you want to be today? Could be anyone. Good reason to keep living.

I suppose with that in mind, I just want to have more new experiences this year. But slowly. I’m not saying huge, terrifying moments of change or risk. I don’t know how I feel about the age old saying ‘you have to be uncomfortable to create change’. Sorry, why? It kind of gives a negative edge to comfortability, I think. Like being safe isn’t important or valiant or a fantastic way to spend a life. It comes with the hustle culture of let’s-create-as-much-burnout-as-possible! A culture where ‘wasted time’ is the most despicable concept. Like time can be wasted if it’s spent doing what you wanted in the moment. Like watching a comfort show can ever be bad. Or sleeping. Or reading a trash romance. Simply because you were compelled to do it, makes it a sublime use of time. So I’m making slow, comfortable change. What the heck is wrong with that?

And you know what? I feel so comfortable in my little life right now. I’m not too sure when I got here, I only noticed it recently perchance. And what a beautiful thing. To look at your life and smile and think ‘yeah, pretty content here’. A privilege for sure! And as always, life ebbs and flows, if you’re not there right now don’t fret. I won’t be here forever, try as I might. Life just isn’t set up that way. But putting yourself first and setting good boundaries and finding little moments of joy in the mundane is a great way to invite contentment into your life. So just start there. I don’t know if this peace I’m currently feeling with my life is causing me to voice these thoughts of slowness, or even to feel them. I just don’t feel in a rush lately. Life is fleeting, sure. It’ll be over before you know it. But whilst I’ve got it? I’m just gonna soak it up and take my time. Life is made up of small moments stitched together. It’s not just your highlight reel. One week away (or a couple if you’re fortunate) a year cannot sustain you. At least not me. I need to like my every day. I’ve lived for the weekend in the past, of course. Who hasn’t? Do I still give a sigh of relief on a Friday afternoon, no doubt. But do I also try to wake up on a Tuesday morning (aka the worst day of the week, fight me) a little before work to make a life-giving cup of coffee and read a little chapter of my book? Yeah, for sure. It makes life worth living. When you allow yourself to control the controllable and not be dragged through life. I’m not saying it’s always easy. I’m just saying it’s always worth it.

So please allow yourself some slowness this year. Some peace and quiet. A moment of thought. A heck of a lot of rest. More sleep than you think you need, cos believe me, you need it. At least a few cups of water a day, go on. And just step out into your life with a calmer mind and a more content self.

Before I leave you, I know you nosy people like tangible resolutions. Believe me, so do I haha! So what does all this look like for me? I guess I would like to leave my house as many days as possible (wfh whilst the best thing that’s ever happened to me, has greatly reduced my movement and access to forced fresh air), I’d like to try out an in-person yoga class in my local area, I’d like to find far more time to sit down at my computer and write, I’d like to minimise my reading slumps as much as possible, I’d love to try a crafts class of some sort (there’s been talks of embroidery with my sisters that I’m very keen on), I’d like to join a writing group (I have my eye on one, just biding my time haha), I’d like to make at least five new soups just cos, I’d like to pick my guitar up again and reacquaint myself, I’d like to spend much more intentionally than I have been of late (yikes), I’m becoming an auntie for the second time very soon and I just wanna smother them with love and cuddles. And I don’t know, I just want to relax, man.

Got any intentions for yourself? I hope you have a phenomenal year x

Skinny Ghost – Happy Trendy